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Inspire Science is the  basic education teacher training programme run by the Museum of Tomorrow, IDG – Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão  and the British Council to promote a vibrant science education that brings together schools, museums and universities. The programme is sponsored by IBM.

The four editions of the programme so far have attracted the participation of over 300 teachers from the public and private school networks throughout Brazil, covering more than 136,000 students and around 500 schools. This is tangible proof of the impact of investing in teacher training.

Universe and Solar System, Earth and the Biosphere and Humanity and Culture

Theory and practice

Inspire Science provides participant teachers the opportunity to explore fundamental issues in Astronomy, Geology, Palaeontology, Biology and Ecology in a cycle of encounters with scientists and university professors.

New technologies

The teachers also try out new technologies and approaches to education in workshops with professionals from museums, scientific publication and schools teachers to encourage learning through investigation.

Teaching experiences

Participants also create class plans in interdisciplinary groups to apply their new knowledge, exchange experiences and take advantage of the wealth of collections of the museums for teaching and learning.

Teacher Ana Chaves in a workshop for building low- microscopes.
The teachers learned to build low-cost microscopes with Filipe Oliveira, scientific director of Conector Ciência . After butting them together, the teachers were allowed to take these microscopes and their technical drawings to replicate the experience with students and teachers at their schools.
The microscopes made from cardboard cut-outs, screws, washers, DVD lenses and function with the camera of any cell phone.
The workshop of astronomer Eduardo Penteado provided a didactical way of dealing with a challenge when teaching astronomy: sizes of planets, stars and other celestial bodies.
A boat trip around Guanabara Bay stimulated the teachers to prepare field classes to break up the classroom routine.
At the end of each edition, the participants in Inspire Science received certificates for a 40-hour training course.
The first Inspire Science book is inspired in a laboratory where teachers can prepare their class plans.
Palaeontologist Hermínio Ismael, professor at UERJ, presents geochronology, from the origin of planet Earth to the Anthropocene.
Teacher Giselle Deveza, participant in Inspire Science.
Highlight, teacher Beatriz Nascimento visiting Nós (Us), the last area of the Main Exhibition.
Visits to the Main Exhibition, in the company of educators from the Museum of Tomorrow, stimulate the connection between the classroom and museums in science teaching.
Human have become a planetary force, like earthquakes and volcanoes. In this geosciences workshop the teachers got to know a new experiment on how to approach this power to change the planet – and the consequences thereof – with the students. In the picture, teachers Anna Claudia and Jane Rodrigues participate in the experiment.
PH, turbidity, biochemical oxygen demand show the impact of environmental degradation on the lives of other species and on human health.
In the third edition, the boat trip ended with a workshop about an analysis of the quality of the water in Guanabara Bay by Rodolfo Paranhos to encourage field investigations and environmental education.
Participants swap experiences while drawing class plans in groups.
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Inspire Science in numbers

Inspire Science according to the teachers

A marvellous, all-round course. The desire for more classes like the ones we had will always be present. Highly trained professionals renowned for their knowledge, a very good atmosphere for learning.

Sergio Alexandre Fragozo Pereira
Participant in the 3rd edition

The course was a surprising! I enjoyed every minute, from the reception at the Museum, to professionals who gave talks. I learned a lot!

Jaqueline Azambuja Barbosa Martins
Participant in the 3rd edition

The training freshened me up, like a new shoot. I was able to reflect on just how important my profession is, and that education is the path to a future of hope.

Elaine de Andrade de Almeida
Participant in the 3rd edition

I was thrilled by the talks! Every Saturday, I would go home filled with enthusiasm, wanting to study more about the topic covered.

Monica Ribeiro Gonçalves
Participant in the 1st edition

Those were unforgettable, motivational and inspiring Saturdays. All the activities were highly relevant for updating me as a teacher.

Nadjara Corrêa
Participant in the 2nd edition